The PBS series Earth Focus delves into the intricate connections betweenSouthern California's natural landscapes and urban development. Eachepisode explores a specific location, including the Los Angeles River, DiabloCanyon Nuclear Power Plant, Joshua Tree National Park, and the MojaveDesert. The series' soundtrack, composed by Elori Saxl, underscores theemotional narratives of these places, emphasizing the interplay betweenhumans and nature and the impact of human-constructed environments.Drawing inspiration from artists like Alice Coltrane and Hiroshi Yoshimura,Saxl craed the music using digitally manipulated recordings of water andwind, analog synthesizers, MIDI samples, and processed woodwindsperformed by Stuart Bogie (clarinet, bass clarinet, flute). This unique blend ofsounds evokes the musical heritage of Los Angeles and the overall ambianceof wind, sun, and Southern California culture. The music loosely referencesthe psychedelic and dreamlike sounds oen associated with Los Angeles'past and present. However, it incorporates a modern twist, blending real andsynthetic elements to reflect the contemporary and increasingly palpablesense of precariousness surrounding the human-built landscape throughoutLos Angeles and it's neighboring regions.