Dallas Valdez stars as Joe Crist, a charismatic former bounty hunter on a spirited adventure, blending Western grit with comedy and spirituality. After a 40-day coma, Joe, known for his zest for life and hat collection, seeks a new purpose. Riding into a small Texas town he meets up with an old friend, Dell (Curt Lambert), a new flame, Maggie (Carrie Keagan), and the town's tyrant, Weaver (John Marrs). The plot escalates when Joe uses his skills for a noble cause, which leads to unexpected twists and an expertly choreographed action-filled narrative. From the opening salvo of gunshots, to the surprise ending, Joe Crist moves with the power of a freight train on a mission!
Dallas Valdez stars as Joe Crist, a charismatic former bounty hunter on a spirited adventure, blending Western grit with comedy and spirituality. After a 40-day coma, Joe, known for his zest for life and hat collection, seeks a new purpose. Riding into a small Texas town he meets up with an old friend, Dell (Curt Lambert), a new flame, Maggie (Carrie Keagan), and the town's tyrant, Weaver (John Marrs). The plot escalates when Joe uses his skills for a noble cause, which leads to unexpected twists and an expertly choreographed action-filled narrative. From the opening salvo of gunshots, to the surprise ending, Joe Crist moves with the power of a freight train on a mission!
Dallas Valdez stars as Joe Crist, a charismatic former bounty hunter on a spirited adventure, blending Western grit with comedy and spirituality. After a 40-day coma, Joe, known for his zest for life and hat collection, seeks a new purpose. Riding into a small Texas town he meets up with an old friend, Dell (Curt Lambert), a new flame, Maggie (Carrie Keagan), and the town's tyrant, Weaver (John Marrs). The plot escalates when Joe uses his skills for a noble cause, which leads to unexpected twists and an expertly choreographed action-filled narrative. From the opening salvo of gunshots, to the surprise ending, Joe Crist moves with the power of a freight train on a mission!