Finally available a never before released recording of Alberto Rasi and Roberta Invernizzi recorded in 2012. Madrigals composed at the turn of the 17th century for solo voice accompanied by a consort of viols. As usual in Rasi's always well-conceived discs, vocal pieces are interpsersed with instrumental ones making up for a thoroughly pleaing listening from start to end.
Finally available a never before released recording of Alberto Rasi and Roberta Invernizzi recorded in 2012. Madrigals composed at the turn of the 17th century for solo voice accompanied by a consort of viols. As usual in Rasi's always well-conceived discs, vocal pieces are interpsersed with instrumental ones making up for a thoroughly pleaing listening from start to end.
Finally available a never before released recording of Alberto Rasi and Roberta Invernizzi recorded in 2012. Madrigals composed at the turn of the 17th century for solo voice accompanied by a consort of viols. As usual in Rasi's always well-conceived discs, vocal pieces are interpsersed with instrumental ones making up for a thoroughly pleaing listening from start to end.